Chewy, rich chocolate fudge cookie with gooey chocolate chips. This cookie's perfect balance of sweetness will have you craving more! Made with organic coconut flour and organic light buckwheat flour with...
Guaranteed to satisfy every chocolate craving, yet bursting with nutritional goodness to leave you feeling amazingly energized. Made with organic coconut flour and organic light buckwheat flour with nutrient rich superfood....
Rich chocolatey fudge cookie with gooey chocolate chips. This cookie's perfect balance of sweetness will have you craving more! Quantity: 6 Unit Count, Gift Box, Individually Packaged. Single serving. Allergens: Soy, Sulphites. Shelf...
Rich chocolatey fudge cookie with gooey chocolate chips. This cookie's perfect balance of sweetness will have you craving more! Quantity: 8 Unit Count, Gift Box, Individually Packaged. Single serving. Allergens: Soy, Sulphites. Shelf...
Irresistibly decadent Plant-based salted caramel chocolate truffle. Perfect for chocolate and caramel lovers! Ingredients: organic coconut milk, vegan butter, organic sea salt, organic vanilla extract, semi sweet Chocolate, organic coconut...
Irresistibly decadent Plant-based salted caramel chocolate truffle. Perfect for chocolate and caramel lovers! Ingredients: organic coconut milk, organic sea salt, organic vanilla extract, organic semi sweet chocolate, organic coconut oil,...
Irresistibly decadent Plant-based salted caramel chocolate truffle. Perfect for chocolate and caramel lovers! Ingredients: organic coconut milk, organic sea salt, organic vanilla extract, organic semi sweet chocolate, organic coconut oil,...
A creamy delicious gourmet plant-based, vegan, chocolate espresso truffle bar. Absolutely heavenly and diving! Bursting with nutritional goodness, superfoods, antioxidants and organic ingredients. Ingredients: Organic coconut oil, cocoa, unsweetened semi sweet...
A creamy delicious gourmet plant-based, vegan, chocolate espresso truffle bar. Absolutely heavenly and diving! Bursting with nutritional goodness, superfoods, antioxidants and organic ingredients. Ingredients: Organic coconut oil, cocoa, unsweetened semi...
A creamy delicious gourmet plant-based, vegan, semi-sweet chocolate truffle bar. Absolutely sensationally heavenly and divine! Bursting with nutritional goodness, superfoods, antioxidants and organic ingredients. Shelf Life: 6 months Frozen, 3 months...
A creamy delicious gourmet plant-based, vegan, semi-sweet chocolate truffle bar. Absolutely sensationally heavenly and divine! Bursting with nutritional goodness, superfoods, antioxidants and organic ingredients. Ingredients: Organic coconut oil, cocoa, unsweetened semi...
These delightful chocolate brownies with chocolate chips is decadent and delicious. A classic family treat the kids will love! Made with organic coconut flour and organic light buckwheat flour with nutrient...